How to install NZBGet/SABnzbd in Termux on Android 10

The few versions of NZBGet and SABnzbd apks for Android I tried were either not fully functioning or outdated.


I managed to compile NZBGet as package for Termux and submitted it to the app’s repository (see pull request) — let’s hope it will be included. Intil then I included binaries for all architectures.

Running SABnzbd required only installing few dependencies.



DOWNLOAD: I put the install scripts on Github and included instructions for quick install.

TIP: It is possible to configure both apps to download and/or unpack files to external/removable storage (like SD card with capacity of hundreds of GB). Just run once “termux-setup-storage” and you will be to reference the path “/data/data/com.termux/files/home/storage/external-1”.

├── dcim -> /storage/emulated/0/DCIM
├── downloads -> /storage/emulated/0/Download
├── external-1 -> /storage/34BA-57D4/Android/data/com.termux/files
├── movies -> /storage/emulated/0/Movies
├── music -> /storage/emulated/0/Music
├── pictures -> /storage/emulated/0/Pictures
└── shared -> /storage/emulated/0

Files downloaded here will actually be in “/storage/XXXX-XXXX/Android/data/com.termux/files” — but both video players (like MX Player) or file managers (like Solid Explorer) will be able to access that (without any non standard requirements like root). I bookmarked that location in Solid Explorer for faster navigation.

Saving files to any other folder on SD card is not possible for native (C/C++) apps like these running in Termux as access to SD card “can be requested only from Java”.


None of the apps requires you to type anything to the terminal for managing downloads — as they both have web frontends. The only requirement is the startup:

# Start NZBGet
nzbget -D

# Stop NZBGet
nzbget -Q
# Start SABNzbd
sabnzbd start

# Stop SABNzbd
sabnzbd stop

I also created simple scripts for use with Termux:Task (for free at F-Droid) so any service can be started/stopped via few taps. To use the tasks, create them in Tasker — the install scripts already put the requirements in the right place (use scripts and with following arguments: start/stop/restart).

The scripts also open the program specific url on start (http://localhost:6789 for NZBGet and http://localhost:8080 for SABnzbd).