Just like as almost everyone else, I use rsync for updating backups. However the speed of sequential write on APU2 is only 40 MB/s tops, which is less than half the speed I can reach when copying using cp to external hard drive connected via USB 3. I can get […]
To be able to resize the root partition quickly, use LVM. The following part of kickstart configuration sets up 1 GB /boot (non-LVM) partition on /dev/sda1 and root partition on /dev/sda2 (LVM). Then anytime you increase the size of the disk (probably from some management of VM), just execute following on running […]
On thy fly resize of root volume (LVM & XFS ...
The Mail.app on MacOS doesn’t delete emails immediately. It marks them with the deleted flag instead while keeping them in the folder until they are expunged – which happens for example when you quit Mail.app. This is standard way according to the IMAP RFC’s. It’s just that some other email clients […]
Fix for emails deleted via MacOS Email app still visible ...
This is a short how to on limiting incoming access to your router running TomatoUSB to a range of IP addresses only (can be whole country etc.). The first catch is that the list of IP addresses can be rather long and you may not be able store that directly […]
TomatoUSB: Limit/whitelist incoming access to a single country
Letsencrypt/certbot is great and it probably pays of using it in plenty of projects. There are some less known roadblock though that may slow you down.
The real world letsencrypt/certbot obstacles
After a reboot from Windows 10 to (Arch) Linux, there are still traces of my Windows session accessible to linux. Just taking a plain screenshot reveals images (bottom right) from a page I was visiting in Google Chrome.
GPU remembers what you were doing
Since Google is deprecating support for NPN in Chrome (any day now), you may want to switch to ALPN to be able to keep using HTTP/2.