How to disable Google Doodles in Chrome (61+) 36

Google Doodles. They seem cool but they may be distracting for some. Getting Doodles also isn’t free as they can be hundreds kB in size.

There was no option to disable Doodles as they are core part of Google Chrome, the “newtab-serviceworker.js”. Luckily just recently, based on some planned changes (Chromium tracking bug 583292), in this change “Add about:flags entries for UseGoogleLocalNtp and OneGoogleBarOnLocalNtp” they added a flag that disables the NTP (New Tab Page) service worker.

As that’s a very recent change, it’s currently available only in Google Chrome 61 (Canary) and not yet in the stable version (58). If they do not change anything, it will land in stable in about 3-4 months but they can decide to merge it into stable sooner (or also later or even never – but let’s hope they code like they mean it).


Switch this settings “Enable using the Google local NTP” to “Enabled”, restart Chrome and open a new tab – Google Doodle is gone.



Update 10/2017: If your Google Chrome has additional flag “Enable doodles on the local NTP”, you might have to disable this one as well.


Update 8/2019: Seems like the flag is gone for good from Chrome 76+. I recommend using Empty New Tab Page extension (by actual Chromium developer). It will clear the entire page including favorites/most visited pages but that’s what I like as I manage pages I visit in the bookmark bar.

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36 thoughts on “How to disable Google Doodles in Chrome (61+)

  • Andy

    Thank you. I and many other people are tired of the leftist propaganda that is being shoved in our faces on a daily basis. I’ve had enough of google doodles honoring everybody EXCEPT FOR white males. The overwhelming majority of scientific progress and advancement in this world came about as a direct result of white males. As far as science goes I have only seen google honor minority scientists, even though minority scientists are vastly outnumbered by white scientists. They are pushing an anti-white agenda when they intentionally minimize white achievements. The time has come for us to unite and fight back against the evil forces that are leading us towards a world without white people.

    • Turulo

      I agree, it gets annoying to get all this minority propaganda shoved in your face, specially when you don’t give a crp about the skin color. You’re going to the other extreme tho.

      Now I understand why Asimov never got a doodle.

      • Andy

        If X% of scientific advancement came about as a result of white scientists, then X% of scientists that they honor should be white – but that is not what we see. What google does is greatly over-represent scientists of other races. Wanting to see a color blind representation of scientists that is based on achievement and not race is not an “extreme” position.

        • Turulo

          The *extreme* part is this “The time has come for us to unite and fight
          back against the evil forces that are leading us towards a world without
          white people.”

          Other than that, I can relate because they are just carrying the negative traits of a set of people to just any white male regardless their achievements.

          • Andy

            I don’t think there’s anything extreme about fighting back against those who are pushing for our extinction. I think that’s a pretty normal reaction actually…

          • Turulo

            They aren’t pushing us into extinction they just want our money and our jobs. And the best way to counter them is to prevent them from making money and to hire whoever we want. Bullets would just make a mess, solve nothing and make them martyrs.

          • Andy

            I am not saying that immigrants seek our extinction. Most immigrants don’t even know what white genocide is. The motivation of most immigrants is a higher standard of living.

            The ‘evil’ ones who are pushing for our extinction are the (((globalist elite))) who are intentionally flooding the West with more immigrants than we can handle, and forcefully diversifying populations that do not want to be diverse. It’s the ones on top who push an anti-white agenda who I believe are guilty of white genocide, not the immigrants they are using as pawns. Google has clearly aligned themselves against us, and I’m not just talking about these stupid doodles. Try searching “european people history” and click on the image section. Try searching “white couple” and click on the image section. I can give you a million examples. We have enemies in high places.

    • pwlsax

      And most all the white males that do get Doodles are artists and actors and other soft, crap vocations. Look at this: ! Charlie Chaplin, Bram Stoker, Bob Ross – BOB F**KING ROSS??!!

      Yes, presumably white males had a hand in discovering water on the moon. But is it foregrounded as a white male achievement? NOOO!!!

    • JDD1618

      You assclown. All you backward, obsolete panty-wastes do is bitch about crap. Is your life so miserable that you have to take your anger and hate out on on anything that is societally positive? Apparently. Just because you’re a loser doesn’t give you the right to piss on everything. Why don’t you do something constructive – shove a cleaning rod up your butt, rub your gun against your junk, and read the bible. No one is interested in your STUPID opinion. Seriously… F-ing idiot.

      • Andy

        There is nothing positive about the anti-white agenda that is being pushed throughout the West. The comments and upvotes in this comment section appear to favor “stupid opinions” like mine. So perhaps you should not presume to speak for “everybody”. Your laughable generalizations and pitiful attempts at insults are exactly what I would expect from a raging brainwashed leftist moron. Congratulations.

        • JDD1618

          You dummy. Idiots flock together. You feel safer that way. Congratulations? Why, thank you! I’ll speak for myself and the majority of us in what’s left of this country. Race shouldn’t matter, but whites have crapped on minorities for so long it’s encouraging that diversity is celebrated. it may even inspire some children who don’t see themselves in those capacities. Anti-white? Give me and the 60+% of us a break. I’m not going to change your tiny brain and I can’t conceive your ignorance, hatred, and inadequacy. Until it’s legal to exterminate you and your ilk en masse, maybe fencing you in in Kansas will suffice. You’re a dying breed…Andy. In the meantime, go stuff your face with some ‘white’ bread. Idiot. Man, I REALLY hope you don’t have children.

      • RuineEternelle

        Thanks for giving us a favor by putting here the exact kind of comment and ideas we came here to disable. The way Andy put things may be blunt, but he is right.

  • Jethro Caspers

    I can’t thank you enough! I copypasta’d “chrome://flags/#use-google-local-ntp” into my browser bar (without the quotes) and clicked the drop down menu to ‘enable’ where it used to say ‘default’ by the way. I have no clue how to code.

    • JDD1618

      You assclown. All you backward, obsolete panty-wastes do is bitch. Is your life so miserable that you have to take your anger and hate out on on anything that is societally positive? Apparently. Just because you’re a loser doesn’t give you the right to piss on everything. Why don’t you do something constructive – shove a cleaning rod up your butt, rub your gun against your junk, and read the bible. No one is interested in your STUPID opinion. Seriously… F-ing idiot.

  • pcb1962

    Awesome, thank you. I don’t give a flying fuck about any of these people who get thrust in my face a hundred times a day. I don’t care if it’s Omar Sharif’s 150th frigging birthday, he is nothing and nobody to me.

  • Mitchell Girt

    Jesus! I read some of the comments below I am embarrassed to include myself with such homo-sapiens. I just don’t want to see doodles. I prefer Google to be a search engine and not a history lesson or a lesson of any kind. Celebrating the birth anniversaries of dead people is not why I use Google. I just want a search engine, change up the logo all you want but dead people can’t blow out candles and eat cake! This is simple shit!

  • Skullomaniac

    Thank you!
    I used to be able to ignore these things, but the ones for the recent World Cup were such blatant SJW propaganda that I can’t stand them anymore.

  • Anonomon666

    Fuck doodles i could care less about this 110 yr old dead mexicunt. Completly worthless waste of recorses that accomplishes nothing.
    Thanks Dood